What We Do

We provide unwavering support and peace of mind to mothers facing the challenges of imprisonment. We work to ensure that every mother and child can envision a future filled with possibility and reunion.

Encouragement through Care

We restore hope by safekeeping babies born to incarcerated mothers with well-vetted host families dedicated to loving and nurturing these children.

Empowerment through Education

Education and skill building are at the core of our efforts to empower mothers for a successful reentry into society, equipping them with the skills they need to thrive independently.

  a. Educational resources

  b. Vocational training

  c. Life Skills classes

  d. Job placement assistance

Reinforcement Through Family Support

Struggling is normal for many young families, but when there are additional hurdles like poverty, incarceration, and addiction they can seem insurmountable. Pharaoh’s Daughter comes alongside our families, offering support to help them regain their footing and reach a solid foundation. These initiatives not only nurture parental skills but also cultivate resilient family units ready to face future challenges together.

  a. Lay counseling
  b. Mentoring
  c. Community

Our Partners

Realizing no one organization can solve all the problems in the world — or even in one community— we partner with other local reformative organizations to offer a well-rounded answer to the pursuit of a successful and independent life for families who have been impacted by the legal system.

Impact and Benefits

The impact of our work extends far beyond immediate support. By empowering mothers and strengthening family ties, we contribute to breaking the cycle of incarceration and creating healthier communities. Our programs foster resilience, instill hope, and inspire positive change, ultimately leading to reduced recidivism and improved life outcomes for both mothers and their children.

Join Us in Making a Difference

We invite you to become part of our vibrant community at Pharaoh’s Daughter. Whether you choose to volunteer your time, donate resources, or share our mission with others, your involvement can make a profound difference in the lives of those we serve. Together, we can continue to provide the support and opportunities needed to transform lives and build a future filled with promise and potential.

Join us today and help us create a world where every family feels supported, every mother is empowered, and every child has the chance to thrive. Together, we can turn compassion into action and dreams into reality.